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10General - Drive your Triumph DayGeneral - Drive your Triumph DayI’m amazed at how DYTD has grown around the world, and why not? It’s a fun event to get out and drive your Triumph with family, friends, and other Triumph owners. Remember, if you live in snow country and your car is in hibernation for the winter, you can still join in with a photo of your Triumph in the garage next to your snow shovel. Or as some have done in the past, they rolled their Triumph out of the garage even in some snow for a quick photo, then back in the garage.
Please send a high resolution JPG file to DriveYourTriumphDay@gmail.com. Also please try to email them in the first 10 days
Your own event
11 12 13 14 15RRTC Driving event - President’s Polar Bear drive RRTC Driving event - President’s Polar Bear drive Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
All weather top down driving event
Starting location and lunch location – TBD
17 18 19 20 21 22 23RRTC Meeting - RRTC Lunch at Hop and Sting BrewingRRTC Meeting - RRTC Lunch at Hop and Sting BrewingTime: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Bring the cars and have a pint and some BBQ in Grapevine.
Please RSVP
Hop & Sting Brewing
906 Jean St, Grapevine, TX
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 RRTC Meeting
 RRTC Driving event
 SCVTR Regional Event
 RRTC Car Show
 Non-RRTC Car Show